Program Session Overview

Seminar XXI is an educational program for current and future leaders in the U.S. national security and foreign policy communities. Designed for working professionals, the program meets approximately once a month from September through May for a total of five evening sessions in Washington, D.C., and three weekend sessions in Warrenton, Virginia.

Program Snapshot

9-Months, 8 Sessions

Non-graded program leads to a certificate from MIT

Interagency Participation

Across Military, Government, Nonprofit and Private Sector

Convenient Evening and Weekend Sessions

Held in the Washington D.C. Area

Renowned Faculty

From MIT and Top Institutions Around the World

Interagency Networking

MIT Seminar XXI brings together program participants, known as Fellows, from a wide range of sponsoring organizations including the U.S. armed forces, government agencies, and NGOs. Interagency participation allows for candid discussion among key players from all corners of the national security and foreign policy communities.


Location & Benefits

Designed for working professionals, all MIT Seminar XXI sessions are held on weekends
and evenings in the Washington, D.C. area.